忙了一周弄Texture Synthesis的Survey
恩 最近被人说高调甜蜜.... 恩 高调就高调吧
赫赫 终于放假咯
忙了一周弄Texture Synthesis的Survey
恩 最近被人说高调甜蜜.... 恩 高调就高调吧
赫赫 终于放假咯
Posted by Allen at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: nothing
Talk notes
Li Gong : Internet Past and Future
微软公司MSN互联网技术部中国区总经理兼微软中国研发集团副总裁, 清华大学信息研究院顾问委员会委员,客座教授
Internet is still in revolutionary
研究一门学科 也要研究他的历史
Classical Paper Ref
Notiable Computer Network / Communication of ACM
Survey on Computer Network when Internet is just forming
End-to-End Arguments in System Design / ACM Transaction on Computer System 1984
火车机车/火车铁轨 分别运营 相互独立
Rethinking the Design of the Internet End-to-End Argument vs. Brave New World
ACM Transaction on Internet Technology 2001
DNS Problem: Security
Routing Problem
IP address shortage
IPv6 hard to combine
End-to-End Broken
Untruth worthy end points
Third party involvement: esp. Government, ISP
Result, Unfaithful connection and delivery
The IP QoS Breakthrough
Everything is connected
Things That Think in MIT
Name card phenomenal / Think about Phone Network or Social Network
JXTA by Gong
In time, some new network may appear. Perhaps as an overlay on the Internet, which attempt to reintroduce a context for unfettered innovation, The Internet will like the telephone network system before to become a infrastructure of this new kind of network.
In Addition
Economics and The Design of Open System
Posted by Allen at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Research
For the mobile industry, waiting for people to use the net via their phone has been like waiting for a bus that never comes.
Even though a huge number of mobile phones in use can access the internet, and after the launch of faster third-generation (3G) data services, only 10% of Europeans actually use their handsets to go online.
The situation is the same in almost every other nation apart from Japan and Korea where faster mobile networks are much more common.
The slow take up has been blamed on the restrictions phone firms place on net access, confusion over cost, awkward page layouts and slow browsing speeds.
To make matters worse, 3G handsets have been clunky rather than funky.
"It's like picking a girlfriend or boyfriend. The first and most important decision for people is 'what does it look like?'" said Robert Rawlinson of Mobileshop.com.
He added that phones were now "fashion items" and 3G handsets were lacking the features, such as snap-on cases, common in many 2.5G mobiles.
Custom content
The networks are starting to tackle these problems and smaller handsets are starting to crop up. They are also starting to tailor content more specifically for mobile phones and get familiar web-names onto handsets.
Operators are also starting to dismantle their walled gardens and are giving customers greater freedom to roam the net via their handset. Before now many have limited customers to a few select sites.
"Operators who adopt a walled-garden approach are actually missing the point," said Stuart Jackson of Orange World. "It's not about the content that you can give to the customer, it's about the content the customer wants to access,"
"There's a myriad of content out there and we should be encouraging people to go onto the mobile web, explore it, and find that content that they want to see."
Mobile viewing
A broader industry initiative should make the whole process of going online a far more pleasant experience. From next month anyone will be able to register a .mobi net address. This domain is meant solely for sites that will be navigable by phones and anyone signing up must ensure their site meets a strict set of accessibility standards
MTLD, the organisation behind .mobi, expects 200,000 mobile sites to be registered in the next year.
More subtle trends in the way that people use technology may also boost the use of the net on phones. For instance, it is now possible to buy a phone that automatically sets up and sends pictures to a photo blog.
Hit video-sharing site YouTube has a dedicated mobile phone portal that allows users in the US to upload clips while they are on the move.
Speed demons
Operators are also tackling the biggest bar to greater net use - connection speed. In the home many net users enjoy speeds in excess of 1mbps. By comparison the 300kbps speed of 3G is glacially slow.
One technology that could boost mobile surfing speeds is the formidably named High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). Operators across the world are adopting the technology quickly.
In the UK T-Mobile was the first to launch a HSDPA service.
Paul Sludden from T-Mobile said: "With HSDPA the testing that we've undertaken on the live network we've found we can achieve up to four times the speed of 3G. That's quite a significant improvement, and an enhancement for the customer."
During a test conducted by Click it took 30 minutes to find a stable signal. Once this hurdle was overcome the test showed that the BBC homepage loaded about four times faster than on a standard 3G phone.
Unfortunately phones do not, yet, show when they are locked on to a strong HSDPA signal which could prove frustrating for mobile users.
"HSDPA uses a technology called extended codes, and the point of that is that it gives you a lot more data, but it also means it's very vulnerable to interference," said technology journalist Guy Kewney.
"There we were, with all the interference that London provides, and we simply couldn't get an HSDPA signal.
"It's not a problem with HSDPA providers, it's the technology, which is vulnerable to interference."
The Click test was not strictly scientific but T-Mobile admit did there were problems in getting a clear HSDPA signal. This can be acute when the phone is equidistant from several masts, as it was during the Click test, or on the edge of a cell.
Cost confusion
How users pay for their net access is also starting to get some long overdue attention
"Most customers still have the feeling that they don't know how much it's going to cost them," said Thomas Hussan of Jupiter Research.
"They fear the bill at the end of the month because they don't know how it's priced and how much they will pay for it," he said.
Stuart Jackson from Orange acknowledged that there was fear among customers. "We need to get better at approaching payment for internet services on the mobile in a better way," he said.
Many operators are starting to levy single monthly fees for unlimited web access - like many people do at home via their PC.
"Accessing the internet is such a fundamental part of peoples' day, and is increasingly so, that I think there's going to be more consumer awareness of 'hang on, I don't want to access the internet and look for the restaurant/nightclub/bar in my office or at home, I actually want to do it on the bus going home'," said Robert Rawlinson.
"And I think that whole behaviour with consumers, which is becoming ever more internet-centric, is going to make people realise that it's a bit of a pain not being able to access the internet while I'm moving around."
Posted by Allen at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
It is always a good idea to try to write down your idea. Writing helps you to formulate your thoughts clearly.
Posted by Allen at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Research
From Time Magazine Aisa Ed 20060911
Aisa's rich are more generous than ever before.
A list of recent gifts or pledges:
Donor Country Amount Favorite Causes
Li Ka-shing Hong Kong $6 billion Education, health
Jackie Chan Hong Kong $65 million Performing arts
John Gokong wei Philippines $200 million Education
Huang Rulun China $56 million Poverty relief
Yu Panglin China $250 million Eye operations
Anil Agarwal India $1 billion Education
Rohini Nilekani India $37 million Schools, clean water
Posted by Allen at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
I have visited a lot of sites like CSS Zen Garden and others, I keep exploring the web on daily basis, so this article covers most of the current design trends which I recognize as high-quality ones.
Anyway, I’ll be brief and will try to get right to the point.
This is the most refined style with attempt to get close to graphics rich desktop look-and-feel as close as possible. As a result, that kind of style looks nice, but requires a lot of work and, usually, consumes lots of traffic.
In brief, Desktop Style can be distinguished by gradients all around, rich graphics, shadows and other imitation of desktop applications.
Examples of distinctive Web Desktop elements:
Blocks. Usually, it is an area of screen with a border, a header and a footer, to aggregate logically connected elements: links, text, a score card, an article preview. Blocks may come with optional shadow.
Miniblocks are blocks in blocks: usually they have mini-picture with tiny text.
Buttons. These web design elements come with gradient, contrast borders, optional shadow. Buttons may have “glass” effect, having reflections from underneath light. Usually buttons react on “mouseover” events (do some visual effect, when user moves mouse over the button).
Tabs. They also use gradient, contrast borders, optional shadow. They react to “mouseover” event.
A little bit simpler look-and-feel, with a good balance between style and a light-weight composition. Silver Orange style of web design is more concentrated on usability, than on a rich looking interface.
It does not try to impress a user (unlike Desktop Style), but rather provide him with a good usability experience.
As expected, silverorange.com are creators of Silver Orange design style.
Examples of distinctive Silver Orange style elements:
Top Menu. Usually it is dark with a light font color; background comes with a rich-colored gradient and contrast dividers:
Logo and guide line More gradients, guideline is in contrast with top menu background, font color is gray.
Gradient and text divider. More gradients, mild divider
The style with glass tabs and buttons as a central figures of the design. Not very usable due to massive use of small or tiny fonts, but still pleasant, if you don’t have to deal with a small text quite often.
Expensive, requires a lot of work. Distinctive, so it’s extremely hard to seem original, doing web design in Apple Style, almost impossible.
Example of distinctive Apple style:
Apple Menu. Apple menu is a central point of Apple web design style. Everything else has pretty much the same style: glass buttons, gradients, rounded blocks…
The main thing, which makes a site being in Microsoft Style is a gray, plain navigation panel on the left column with floating menus. Simple, clean and way too generic.
Created by engineers for engineers.
Example of distinctive Microsoft style:
Microsoft Menu. The main menu of Microsoft web design style is gray, functional and simple. Borders, “mouseover” events processing, floating sub-menus… Usually it occupies left column.
One more distinctive thing of Microsoft web design style is gradient in header condensing from left to right with search form on the top-right corner.
All blocks are divided by clean gray lines. I think, it a plus from usability point of view. People may have wide range of opinions on Microsoft way of doing business, but one thing is for sure: Microsoft design style is simple, functional and it has good usability.
Comparing to Apple style, it’s not so rich or luxury. But it works.
Magazine web design style is… well, for magazines. It tries to bring high quality visual composition onto your screen, so you can appreciate all work that magazine designers completed for this issue.
You can recognize it by high quality photos and images, mixed up with lots of links to articles.
Examples of distinctive Magazine style:
Target audience for Magazine Style is magazines reading people. Not engineers, not web designers, not even experienced web users.
This is really high-end stuff, created by professional designers, who can really enjoy what they are doing. In order to do something similar, you better have a pro working for you for a pretty good compensation…
Design like this is not bad at all. Its purpose – to draw attention to content. It also is minimal in terms of traffic.
Typical site (www.youtube.com) has top navigation menu with rounded corners and intentionally simple elements.
Example of distinctive Rounded Plain style:
This style is like Apple’s: once you’ve seen it, you can recognize any attempt to follow it. Very expensive design, very loaded in terms of graphical effects, very balanced overall. Originally created by Macromedia a few years back, this web design style remains one of the best.
Distinctive elements of Macromedia web design style.
Complex gradient menu with shadow, rounded blocks with shadows, rounded banner under menu, fixed width, centered.
This article is not…
This is not even an attempt to come up with a complete description of current web design styles; I’ve just put things (which I personally like) together and explained distinctive features of them.
Many other web design styles (especially from so called “Art Design” category) are left unexplained. Not because of I find them useless or not pretty, but mostly for usability reasons. You cannot use piece of art in everyday life. You are not suppose to.
I also haven’t highlighted styles, which I didn’t find attractive for lots of reasons: from their usability to aesthetics.
Posted by Allen at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Design
ICD-10 | H53.5 |
ICD-9 | 368.5 |
Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, in humans is the inability to perceive differences between some or all colors that other people can distinguish. It is most often of genetic nature, but may also occur because of eye, nerve, or brain damage, or due to exposure to certain chemicals. The English chemist John Dalton in 1794 published the first scientific paper on the subject, "Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours", [1] after the realization of his own color blindness; because of Dalton's work, the condition is sometimes called Daltonism, although this term is now used for a type of color blindness called deuteranopia.
Color blindness is usually classed as a disability; however, in select situations color blind people may have advantages over people with normal color vision. There is anecdotal evidence that color blind individuals are better at penetrating color camouflage and at least one scientific study (Morgan, Adams and Mollon, 1992) confirms this under controlled conditions. Monochromats may have a minor advantage in dark vision, but only in the first five minutes of dark adaptation.
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Color blindness affects a significant number of people, although exact proportions vary among groups. In Australia, for example, it occurs in about 8 percent of males and only about 0.4 percent of females[1]. Isolated communities with a restricted gene pool sometimes produce high proportions of color blindness, including the less usual types. Examples include rural Finland, Hungary, and some of the Scottish islands. In the United States, about 10 million men, which is about 7 percent of the male population and about 0.4 percent of the female population either cannot distinguish red from green, or see red and green differently (2006, Howard Hughes Medical Institute). It has been found that more than 95 percent of all variations in human color vision involve the red and green receptors in male eyes. It is very rare for males or females to be "blind" to the blue end of the spectrum.
There are many types of color blindness. The most common variety are hereditary (genetic) photoreceptor disorders, but it is also possible to acquire color blindness through damage to the retina, optic nerve, or higher brain areas. Higher brain areas implicated in color processing include the parvocellular pathway of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, and visual area V4 of the visual cortex. Acquired color blindness is generally unlike the more typical genetic disorders. For example, it is possible to acquire color blindness only in a portion of the visual field but maintain normal color vision elsewhere. Some forms of acquired color blindness are reversible. Transient color blindness also occurs (very rarely) in the aura of some migraine sufferers.
The normal human retina contains two kinds of light sensitive cells: the rod cells (active in low light) and the cone cells (active in normal daylight). Normally, there are three kinds of cones, each containing a different pigment. The cones are activated when the pigments absorb light. The absorption spectra of the pigments differ; one is maximally sensitive to short wavelengths, one to medium wavelengths, and the third to long wavelengths (their peak sensitivities are in the blue, yellowish-green, and yellow regions of the spectrum, respectively). It is important to realize that the absorption spectra of all three systems cover much of the visible spectrum, so it is incorrect to refer to them as "blue", "green" and "red" receptors, especially because the "red" receptor actually has its peak sensitivity in the yellow. The sensitivity of normal color vision actually depends on the overlap between the absorption spectra of the three systems: different colors are recognized when the different types of cone are stimulated to different extents. For example, red light stimulates the long wavelength cones much more than either of the others, but the gradual change in hue seen as wavelength reduces is the result of the other two cone systems being increasingly stimulated as well.
The different kinds of color blindness result from one or more of the different cone systems either not functioning at all, or functioning in an unusual way. When one cone system is compromised, dichromacy results. The most frequent forms of human color blindness result from problems with either the middle or long wavelength sensitive cone systems, and involve difficulties in discriminating reds, yellows, and greens from one another. They are collectively referred to as "red-green color blindness", though the term is an over-simplification and somewhat misleading. Other forms of color blindness are much rarer. They include problems in discriminating blues from yellows, and the rarest forms of all, complete color blindness or monochromacy, where one cannot distinguish any color from grey, as in a black-and-white movie or photograph.
There are several types of red-green color blindness:
Protanopes and deuteranopes are dichromats; that is, they can match any color they see with some mixture of just two spectral lights (whereas normally humans are trichromats and require three lights). Those with protanomaly or deuteranomaly are trichromats, but the color matches they make differ from the normal: In order to match a given spectral yellow light, protanomalous observers need more red light in a red/green mixture than a normal observer, and deuteranomalous observers need more green. They are called anomalous trichromats.
Protanomaly and deuteranomaly can be readily observed using an instrument called an anomaloscope, which mixes spectral red and green lights in variable proportions, for comparison with a fixed spectral yellow. If this is done in front of a large audience of men, as the proportion of red is increased from a low value, first a small proportion of people will declare a match, while most of the audience sees the mixed light as greenish. These are the deuteranomalous observers. Next, as more red is added the majority will say that a match has been achieved. Finally, as yet more red is added, the remaining, protanomalous, observers will declare a match at a point where everyone else is seeing the mixed light as definitely reddish.
Genetic red-green color blindness affects men much more often than women, because the genes for the red and green color receptors are located on the X chromosome, of which men have only one and women have two. Such a trait is called sex-linked. Genetic females (46, XX) are red-green color blind only if both their X chromosomes are defective with a similar deficiency, whereas genetic males (46, XY) are color blind if their only X chromosome is defective.
The gene for red-green color blindness is transmitted from a color blind male to all his daughters who are heterozygote carriers and are perceptually unaffected. In turn, a carrier woman passes on a mutated X chromosome region to only half her male offspring. The sons of an affected male will not inherit the trait, since they receive his Y chromosome and not his (defective) X chromosome.
Because one X chromosome is inactivated at random in each cell during a woman's development, it is possible for her to have four different cone types, as when a carrier of protanomaly has a child with a deuteranomalic man. Denoting the normal vision alleles by P and D and the anomalous by p and d, the carrier is PD pD and the man is Pd. The daughter is either PD Pd or pD Pd. Suppose she is pD Pd. Each cell in her body expressses either her mother's chromosome pD or her father's Pd. Thus her red-green sensing will involve both the normal and the anomalous pigments for both colors. Such women are tetrachromats, since they require a mixture of four spectral lights to match an arbitrary light.
Color blindness involving the inactivation of the short-wavelength sensitive cone system (whose absorption spectrum peaks in the bluish-violet) is called tritanopia or, loosely, blue-yellow color blindness. Mutation of the short-wavelength sensitive cones is called tritanomaly. Tritanopia is equally distributed among males and females. Dr. Jeremy H. Nathans (with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute) proved that the gene coding for the blue receptor lies on chromosome 7, which is shared equally by men and women. Therefore it is not sex-linked. This gene does not have any neighbor whose DNA sequence is similar. Blue color blindness is caused by a simple mutation in this gene (2006, Howard Hughes Medical Institute).
Complete inability to distinguish any colors is called monochromacy. It occurs in three forms:
The Ishihara color test, which consists of a series of pictures of colored spots, is the test most often used to diagnose red-green color deficiencies. A figure (usually one or more Arabic digits) is embedded in the picture as a number of spots in a slightly different color, and can be seen with normal color vision, but not with a particular color defect. The full set of tests has a variety of figure/background color combinations, and enable diagnosis of which particular visual defect is present. The anomaloscope, described above, is also used in diagnosing anomalous trichromacy.
However, the Ishihara color test is criticized for containing only numerals and thus not being useful for young children, who have not yet learned to use numerals. It is often stated that it is important to identify these problems as soon as possible and explain them to the children to prevent possible problems and psychological traumas. For this reason, alternative color vision tests were developed using only symbols (square, circle, car).
Most clinical tests are designed to be fast, simple, and effective at identifying broad categories of color blindness. In academic studies of color blindness, on the other hand, there is more interest in developing flexible tests ([2], for example) to collect thorough datasets, identify copunctal points, and measure just noticeable differences.
There is generally no treatment to cure color deficiencies, however, certain types of tinted filters and contact lenses may help an individual to distinguish different colors better. Additionally, software has been developed to assist those with visual color difficulties.
Color codes present particular problems for color blind people as they are often difficult or impossible for color blind people to understand.
Good graphic design avoids using color coding or color contrasts alone to express information, as this not only helps color blind people, but also aids understanding by normally sighted people. The use of Cascading Style Sheets on the world wide web allows pages to be given an alternative color scheme for color-blind readers. This color scheme generator helps a graphic designer see color schemes as seen by eight types of color blindness. It is sometimes claimed that in extreme emergencies everyone is color blind. When the need to process visual information as rapidly as possible arises, for example in a train or aircraft crash, the visual system may operate only in shades of grey, with the extra information load in adding color being dropped. This is an important possibility to consider when designing, for example, emergency brake handles or emergency phones.
Color blindness is not the swapping of colors in the observer's eyes. Grass is never red, stop signs are never green. The color impaired do not learn to call red "green" and vice versa. However, dichromats often confuse red and green items. For example, they find it difficult to distinguish a Granny Smith from a Braeburn or the red and green of a traffic light without other cues (for example, shape or location). This is demonstrated nicely in this simulation of the two types of apple as viewed by a trichromat or by a dichromat.
Color blindness almost never means complete monochromatism. In almost all cases, color blind people retain blue-yellow discrimination, and most color blind individuals are anomalous trichromats rather than complete dichromats. In practise this means that they often retain a limited discrimination along the red-green axis of color space although their ability to separate colors in this dimension is severely reduced.
Color vision [Edit] |
Color vision | Color blindness |
Monochromat | Dichromat | Trichromat | Tetrachromat | Pentachromat |
Posted by Allen at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: Knowledge
After seen the anime ‘Yami to Boshi to Hon no Tabibito’, I found that I was infatuated with one character here, that is lilith.
Then I tried to find a model figure of this pretty cute girl. First Excalibur and I searched the whole ‘GuLou Street’, where is a famous Japanese anime related product selling center in Beijing, but we didn’t find any thing related ‘Yami to Boshi’. Then I search the ‘Taobao.com’ also no any useful information. After search the whole internet, I just found 1/7 PCV uncolored model, or this one below.
This can only purchase from Japan…
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Posted by Allen at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: anime
本次中国商业计划书年度大赛旨在“塑造数字经济时代领导者”,由史密斯商学院Dingman创业中心赞助主办,于今年3月正式拉开帷幕,主要面 向从事有关信息、通讯、技术领域的创业家,致力于在中国选拔世界级的商业创意和商业领袖。大赛提供总金额高达5万美元的现金大奖,其中,一等奖奖金2.5 万美元,二等奖奖金1.5万美元,三等奖奖金1万美元。
2004年6月MBA学习期间,他开始了第四次创业——创办中国讲座网。为了筹集启动资金,他将自己的房子卖了,还创建了一个创业基金在复旦 MBA同学中进行筹资。中国讲座网是一个B2C类的教育网站,以视频点播(VOD)的方式提供著名大学的精品讲座、电视人物访谈和名人演讲。网站以宽带视 频网站为平台,提供促销、费用支付和客户服务。如今,中国讲座网拥有注册用户4万多人,每天访问量超过10万,已成为中国最大的在线讲座网站。
充满激情的清华Coolbar 团队
与胡安军相比,另外一支队伍似乎少了创业时候的艰难。Coolbar团队于2006年2月正式组建,团队成员都是第一次创业,他们是清华大学最优秀的一群学生,具有不同的专业背景。CEO高皓和VP周昕在全球最大的咨询公司麦肯锡实习;VP曹磊有德意志银行、巴黎银行等顶尖投资银行的实习经验;CFO陈晓颖在一家领先的美资私人股权基金实习,拥有GE财务管理实习生经历;CTO崔靖宇是清华大学特 等奖学金获得者,这是清华在校学生获得的最高荣誉;技术主管董悦是清华与微软联合培养的博士生,导师为微软亚洲研究院院长沈向阳。可以肯定这些清华学子们 即使不创业也一定会成为杰出的职业精英,然而,成为一个企业家的执着梦想却使他们选择了这条梦想与汗水辉映、激情与挫折交织的创业征程。
“CoolBar提供一种全新的广告媒介来提高效率及消费体验。这种方式令人振奋。”CoolBar 团队队长高皓对于自己的业务及创意服务信心满满,对于日益临近的第二届中国商业计划书大赛的最终决赛也做好了充分的准备。
进入决赛的另一支队伍——北京艾视科技有限公司致力于基于互联网的视频会议和流媒体技术的开发,艾视团队的每个成员都堪称业内著名专家,其核心 成员是来自中国科学院的教授、研究员以及硕士,同时还包括来自Google的资深工程师和留美硕士。团队主要从事互联网视频会议软件和设备、IPTV、企 业即时通信系统、下载系统和下载服务等产品的开发和销售。
“视频会议市场巨大,全世界每年大约有几千亿人民币的市场。我们长期从事这个领域的开发,掌握了该领域的核心技术,并即将拥有一些专利,在该领 域具有明显的优势,因此容易获得成功,并获得快速发展。”公司产品的主要开发提供者赖丁宙认为团队的核心竞争优势源于团队雄厚的技术能力。“我们希望通过 参加此次商业计划书大赛,提高产品的知名度和美誉度,为我们进军国际市场提供一个有利的环境。我们相信参加此次大赛的经历将是我们一笔宝贵的财富。”
JBI团队一共6人,其中3人具有美国留学背景,另外3人也都是硕士和博士。既熟悉国内市场,又掌握国际先进的管理经验及技术,这是JBI团队 的竞争优势之一。JBI参加本次大赛的另一个特殊原因是:“我们团队的核心成员毕业于史密斯商学院,”蔡先生说:“我们了解学院的实力,对学院怀有特殊的 感情。我们希望借助母校的声望提升公司的知名度,同时也希望借此获得风险投资的青睐。”
Sametalk 团队
Sametalk团队与中国商业计划书大赛的结缘始于上届大赛的一名获奖者。在一次创业交流会议上,Sametalk团队认识了第一届中国商业 计划书的获奖者。他们了解到,通过参加中国商业计划书大赛,这名参赛者不仅获得了丰厚的创业基金,更为重要的是,他得到了大赛评委专家的宝贵建议,而来自 史密斯商学院的教授更为他的创业发展提供了长期无私的咨询与帮助。这使Sametalk 团队立即着手准备参加大赛,他们希望能够同样抓住难得的发展机遇。“目前我们还不太方便向外界透露我们的商业创意,但是我们坚信我们一定能打动现场的专 家。”
“史密斯商学院一直致力于为中国的数字经济时代培养世界级的商业创意和商业领袖。”史密斯商学院院长 Howard Frank表示,“中国商业计划书大赛是一个培育商业创意和商业奇才的绝佳舞台。我会来中国参加总决赛,并期待选手们在决赛中都有精彩的表现。”
Posted by Allen at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
You are making this harder than it needs to be. There is one simple secret to
getting in to the papers program, and that is to pick a topic that no one has
interested in, and then make a really polished paper and video about it.
Here is a practical step-by-step formula for easy paper acceptance:
1. Scan CVPR, ECCV/ICCV, or NIPS for the algorithms they use. Pick one that
the SIGGRAPH audience has not heard of yet. This is not too difficult, CVPR
is huge.
2. (This is the creative step)
to be a problem in graphics. But if you choose an area in graphics that has
possible practical value, the reviewers will kill it in a second. We’re smart
and can easily detect any true relevance, and we want to save those problems
for ourself.
Example: do texture synthesis on some sort of spline or manifold that is
little used. Apply someone’s vision segmentation code to make a system that
would allow even your grandmother to make a video of a virtual fishtank from
clips downloaded from the web. Build a clever device for capturing the BRDF
of some phenomenon that is of little interest.
I’m not going to give you any better examples, because I have to admit that
this step is not trivial. But by definition it is not as difficult as getting
a relevant paper accepted to SIGGRAPH, since that is impossible.
3. Download the Matlab code from the identified CVPR or NIPS papers.
4. Add a scale parameter. Now you have an innovative new algorithm.
5. Apply it to the bunny and the dragon.
6. Put ATTITUDE into the video narration. The tone of voice in the video
should convey how both clever you were to download that Matlab code, and how
effortless it was. Make it seem so simple that anyone can do it, yet so
clever that only a SIGGRAPH author could have thought of it.
I have had papers rejected, and one accepted. Trust me, it does work.
Posted by Allen at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Graphics
Currently, BlueGene/L is the most powerful computer in the world |
Computer giant IBM will build the world’s most powerful supercomputer at a US government laboratory.
The machine, codenamed Roadrunner, could be four times more potent than the current fastest machine, BlueGene/L, also built by IBM.
The new computer is a “hybrid” design, using both conventional supercomputer processors and the new “cell” chip designed for Sony’s PlayStation 3.
Roadrunner will be installed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico.
The laboratory is owned by the US Department of Energy (DOE). Eventually the machine could be used for a programme that ensures the US nuclear weapons stockpile remains safe and reliable, the DOE said in a statement.
Using supercomputers to simulate how nuclear materials age negates arguments for the resumption of underground nuclear testing.
Peak speeds
The new machine will be able to achieve “petaflop speeds,” said IBM. One petaflop is the equivalent of 1,000 trillion calculations per second.
Running at peak speed, it will be able to crunch through 1.6 thousand trillion calculations per second.
Blue Gene/L, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California. (131,072 processors) BGW Blue Gene, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York (40,960 processors) ASC Purple, Department of Energy, USA (12,208 processors) Columbia, NASA Ames Research Center, USA (10,160 processors) Tera-10, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA), France (8,704 processors) Source: Top 500 Supercomputers |
By comparison, BlueGene/L is capable of mere “teraflop” (trillion calculations per second) speeds.
Installed at the DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California and also used for the DOE’s Stockpile Stewardship Program, it has achieved 280.6 teraflops and is theoretically capable of 367 teraflops.
Roadrunner should be capable of much more. It will achieve its superfast performance using a hybrid design, built with off-the-shelf components.
The computer will contain 16,000 standard processors working alongside 16,000 “cell” processors, designed for the PlayStation 3 (PS3).
Each cell chip consists of eight processors controlled by a master unit that can assign tasks to each member of the processing team. Each cell is capable of 256 billion calculations per second.
The power of the cell chip means Roadrunner needs far fewer processors than its predecessors.
Spare power
This is not the first attempt by scientists to harness the power of the cell.
In August, scientists at Stanford University in California announced plans to distribute a program that could run on gamers’ PS3s.
The cell processor was originally designed for Sony’s PlayStation 3 |
The folding@home program would tap the cell’s spare processing power to examine how the shape of proteins, critical to most biological functions, affect diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
This distributed computing method uses each individual machine to process a small amount of data, with results fed back over the internet to a central machine where they can be viewed together.
The Stanford researchers say that 10,000 consoles running the program would give a performance equivalent to one petaflop. The team hopes eventually to enlist 100,000 machines.
Although a network of this size would in theory out-perform Roadrunner, the two systems would be used to solve different types of problem.
Computer talk
Both involve huge sets of data that are split into smaller packets to make them more manageable.
On a distributed computing network these small packets can be processed independently, with results brought together at key stages of a project.
For example a PC running the SETI@home project, which examines thousands of hours of radio telescope signals for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence, processes just a small chunk of data.
Finding a signal does not depend on the outcome of other PCs running the program.
However, on a supercomputer like Roadrunner, the different units must be able to “talk” with each other all of the time, which is vital for applications such as weather simulation which feature a huge number of constantly changing and interacting variables.
When Roadrunner is finished in 2008 it will cover 12,000 square feet (1,100 square metres) of floor space at Los Alamos National Laboratory
IBM says it will start shipping the new supercomputer later this year.
Posted by Allen at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
新生报到.没带户口簿 于是 回家取之….555
体检,恶心的要死,感冒了还打疫苗 但愿别出问题…….
明天见童老 选课
不多说 huhu
btw 祝rookie生日快乐 en
Posted by Allen at 9:53 PM 1 comments
HTML Colors - from www.w3schools.com
Color Harmonizer - based on music theory
Color Symbolism Chart - meaning of colors to various world cultures and religions
Posted by Allen at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Design
{illustration by Paul Bush}
If I didn't know it already, I wouldn't discern that the gallery below is made up of drawings. Yes! They are NOT photographs. Vector drawings using gradient mesh to be specific. Except for Bert Monroy, all of the vector art displayed here are 100% made from Adobe Illustrator.
Whether for challenge, or for pushing the boundaries of what the Illustrator can do, or just for the sheer pleasure of creating, these brilliant artists have dazzled, wowed, and amazed me with the pyrotechnic showcasing of their technical mastery.
Male, Canada, Adobe Illustrator
Male, Algeria, Adobe Illustrator
Male, USA, Adobe Illustrator
Male, Japan, Adobe Illustrator
Male, Japan, Adobe Illustrator
Female, Thailand, Adobe Illustrator
Male, Japan, Adobe Illustrator
Male, USA, Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop
Male, Japan, Adobe Illustrator
Female, USA, Adobe Illustrator
Posted by Allen at 9:50 PM 0 comments