Kuler and Adobe Labs
and Adoble Labs here
and Adoble Labs here
Posted by Allen at 10:40 AM 1 comments
From WSJ : Online advertising firm DoubleClick Inc. is exploring a sale, and is already in active talks with Microsoft Corp., among other potential suitors, according to people familiar with the matter.
And John comment
Google does not take third party ad tags. That means that if you want to advertise on Google, you have to run your creative through Google. But a huge portion of the advertising world that Google is now going after - graphical CPM ads - runs through third party ad servers like DoubleClick.
Now, DoubleClick is for sale, the WSJ reports. Actually, I've heard it's been shopped since early last year, but anyway....Microsoft is seen as an interested suitor.
Google can't let this stand. It's a major risk to its business to force advertisers to change behavior - it needs a third party ad serving solution.
So it will, without a doubt, build one. More soon.
Posted by Allen at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Adobe has today fleshed out its release plans for the next version of Photoshop. As reported earlier there will be two versions made available when it begins shipping next month. The standard edition will be familiar to existing users whilst a second 'extended' release will be aimed at industries as diverse as medicine, architecture and 3D design which already use image manipulation packages but require specific tools and features not currently included in Photoshop. This split in the product line serves to extend Adobe's potential market whilst not forcing traditional users to adopt the new additions unless they choose to.
大量引进了在Graphic领域的最新技术 使得Photoshop这一软件更加配的上“奇迹般”这个名号
More info
Posted by Allen at 8:38 PM 1 comments
由于3月份认识的同学生日很多,因此大量礼物的支出直接导致了Special event的大比重,后面也可以但到这方面的严重赤字(当然,其实我自己都不太了解是不是应该把这部分计入预算)
同样的,由于生日原因Dining with friends的比例也偏高。同样赤字严重。
这样看来,下个月首先要继续观察Book以及Daily dining的情况,酌情修改实际预算。长时间观察特殊事件造成的消费影响。最后,要注意娱乐部分支出是否合理以及个人支出应作的相应调整..........
Posted by Allen at 5:25 PM 4 comments
Labels: budget
No1. Product/Brand Manager
Posted by Allen at 3:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: Business
Canon EOS 30D
拍到一半 相机快门马达开始狂响不止
相机显示 Error 99
关闭相机 继续狂响
拔电池 停止响 插上电池(此时电源关闭) 继续响一段 停止
开电源 继续狂响不止
嗯 happy的搞坏了台相机
Posted by Allen at 3:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: nothing
Apollo, Adobe’s platform for Rich Internet Applications, will enter public alpha in the next few hours. Developers will no doubt be familiar with the name, since Adobe has generated some interest in the developer community for its ability to create rich apps for the desktop environment. It’s essentially a way to bring the web to the desktop - Ryan Stewart heralded the news of the launch today.
Hosting millions of images is expensive enough for the likes of Photobucket and ImageShack, but how about actually paying users for hosting images with you? Newcomer ImageReward wants to do exactly that - host your images for MySpace, Piczo and the rest, and pay you for the privilege (yup, it’s new, despite what the footer may say).
The site rewards users with points: 2 points every time someone views your image, and 20 points when you refer new users. These points can then be converted to cash. The crucial part: I can’t find how much money you get paid. Most likely, those points convert to $0.000001 or less. The other massive issue is that some of the images hosted here are clearly copyrighted - yup, they’ll pay you to infringe copyrights. Why not sue us now and get it over with?
This is the same problem that the likes of Metacafe have to look out for as payments are added to online video: paying users for copyrighted content they didn’t create is surely far more objectionable than just hosting it. There is, however, a great opportunity to combine image hosting and a payback for the content creator: I’m sure Photobucket will figure it out in time.
Posted by Allen at 2:23 AM 0 comments
居然还是hatsuki 啊啊 看来这次是中毒不浅啊 嗯 不说了
另外Google 给Picasa加到了1G空间 并开放了搜索功能 看来大家都在开始琢磨做图像搜索了啊
Posted by Allen at 1:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: nothing
Posted by Allen at 5:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: nothing
平假名 片假名 罗马拼音拟音
あ い う え お アイウエオ a i u e o
か き く け こ カキクケコ ka ki ku ke ko
さ し す せ そ サシスセソ sa shi su se so
た ち つ て と タチツテト ta chi tsu te to
な に ぬ ね の ナニヌネノ na ni nu ne no
は ひ ふ へ ほ ハヒフヘホ ha hi fu he ho
ま み む め も マミムメモ ma mi mu me mo
や ゆ よ ヤ ユ ヨ ya yu yo
ら り る れ ろ ラリルレロ ra ri ru re ro
わ を ワ ヲ wa wo
ん ン n
が ぎ ぐ げ ご ga gi gu ge go
ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ za zi zu ze zo
だ ぢ づ で ど da di du de do
ば び ぶ べ ぼ ba bi bu be bo
ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ pa pi pu pe po
きゃ きゅ きょ や ゆ よ
しゃ しゅ しょ (右下角的都小写,以上面的做比较)
ちゃ ちゅ ちょ
にゃ にゅ にょ
ひゃ ひゅ ひょ
みゃ みゅ みょ
りゃ りゅ りょ
ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
じゃ じゅ じょ
びゃ びゅ びょ
ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
Posted by Allen at 12:57 AM 1 comments
Labels: Japanese
经常做奇怪的梦,然后醒来就精神不振....好可怕啊 也记不得梦是什么了。
在下就是喜欢阴谋故事 hahaha 邪恶笑
哎 不知道为啥,总感觉精神水平一直走下坡路 小心 小心啊.......
而且 眼看又一个五月又要到了 虽然还远..............-_-!!!!
en en 罗嗦毕
恩 要继续开始玩Fate 学日语 啊啊啊!!!
另外 有空可以给Blog再换个Title
Posted by Allen at 9:38 PM 2 comments
Posted by Allen at 1:26 PM 5 comments
Posted by Allen at 7:38 PM 2 comments
Labels: Graphics, Photographs
Christopher Payne, the corporate vice president for Microsoft's Live Search initiative, is leaving the company.
For more information see here
Posted by Allen at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Danny Sullivan, of the Search Engine Watch, commented over at the Internet Stock Blog that this is really just Google Base integrated with Maps to produce a vertical search across real estate. He also blogged about this in more detail, and also gave this link which goes right to the real estate search in Google Base.
Posted by Allen at 2:18 PM 0 comments
恩 也在这里Bless大家了
Posted by Allen at 1:56 PM 2 comments
Some explanations for the causes of the crash:
~Computer trading securities-many analysts say this is the cause. Computers in large investing companies were programmed to order large numbers of stocks when certain market trends prevailed.
refer to
When: October 19, 1987
Where: USA
The amount the market declined from peak to bottom: 508.32 points, 22.6%, or $500 billion lost in one day. The largest one-day percentage drop in history.
Synopsis: This was the crash that everyone expected but could not justify because of the work of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which is the governing body President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered after the depression. The SEC - which was established for the prevention of further crashes and fraudulent practices that had infected the stock market - was doing a fine job after the war and finally coaxed tentative investors back into the market in the sixties.
The SEC, however, could take investors to the proper information but couldn't make them think. In the early '60s and '70s, investors looked not at the value of the company but at the appeal of its public image and the vernacular used to describe it. The following kinds of over-embellished company sketches would attract the public eye:
"Synergy Space-Bovubetribucs forges a new frontier in the introduction of organic entities into the ecosystem of the lunar-scape in order to promote greater synergy. This triumphant new paradigm will be enacted through a leveraged advantaged momentum initiator."
Even though these illustrations were vague, investors were infatuated with these companies, which somehow represented some higher idea. The SEC required companies to state explicitly that they had no assets or even a fighting chance at getting any, but investors continued to believe that the potential for these companies was limitless. This bullish attitude, despite frequent bumps and insolvencies, continued into the eighties when conglomerates and hostile takeovers were the golden children of a finance-hungry media. Under the math of the "new economy,"firms would grow exponentially rather than incrementally simply by picking up other companies,
The SEC was unable to halt the shady IPOs and conglomerations, so the market continued to rise unabated throughout the '80s. Even institutional investors and large mutual funds, increasing their dependency on program trading, began to adhere to the mantra, "if a stock isn't gaining big time, find one that is."
Then, in early 1987, there was a rash of SEC investigations into insider trading. For the most part, people were aware of the tendency of Wall Street to look out for itself, but the barrage of SEC investigations, rattled investors. By October, investors decided to move out of the crooked game and into the more stable environment offered by bonds or, in some cases, junk bonds.
As people began the mass exodus out of the market, the computer programs began to kick in. The programs put a stop loss on stocks and sent a sell order to DOT (designated order turnaround), the NYSE computer system. The instantaneous transmission of so many sell orders overwhelmed the printers for DOT and caused the whole market system to lag, leaving investors on every level (institutional to individual) effectively blind.
Herd-like panic set in and people started dumping stock in the dark without knowing what their losses were or whether their orders would execute fast enough to keep up with plummeting prices. The Dow plummeted 508.32 points (22.6%) and 500 billion dollars vaporized. Fortunately, the newbie chairman of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, was around to help fight off a depression by preventing the insolvency of commercial and investment banks. The market recovered, and some modest refinements were made, including a circuit breaker that cuts out trading programs if the market slides to a set level.
Posted by Allen at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Business