
Thursday, June 21, 2007


这里,还是要学习Comars他们在ACM比赛中的一个经验,不要Copy/Paste code,所有的code都自己认真敲键盘,就算有重复的code也要再敲一遍,虽然费点时间,但是这样会避免很多错误。比如你可能copy一段code,还需要改一些变量名或者做小的修改,可能稍微少改了一处,结果导致一个bug。这种bug还很难查找......所以,宁可多花一点时间写更solid的code了

恩 要solid啊 恩 恩

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Stress Reduction: Whittle down your to do list with a not to do list

The FactoryCity weblog discusses the value of creating "not to do lists" to get rid of the stress of an overwhelming to do list:

As someone leading four or five lives' worth of stuff to do... having a "Not to do list" when I'm getting jammed up makes a lot of sense. It means being more aware of what you're wasting your time on and... frees up more time to be filled with real good stuff.

As Web Worker Daily points out, the Someday Maybe list is where GTDers can get prolific with their to dos without feeling too much stress, but if you're someone who gets overwhelmed at lists when they start stretching into forever, even the Someday Maybe list can get stressful. Reviewing your to dos and figuring out your "not to dos" is a good way to clean house and catalog those things that you've prioritized out of your life.

Microsoft embedding nerdy photo in Vista DVDs?

Apparently a blogger named Kwisatz has uncovered a "secret" photo embedded into the hologram that encompasses the Windows Vista Business DVD. This being Microsoft, the photo naturally depicts three total nerds, grinning excessively at their own cleverness. Of course, this could be a total Photoshop, but somehow we find such an embedding eerily plausible, so we're going to stay cautiously optimistic that this is real. Hit up the read link for full res versions of the discovery.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Kiss Boring Interfaces Goodbye With Apple's New Animated OS

Disco is software for burning disks that illustrates a new approach to interfaces: It smokes while it burns. If you blow into your computer's microphone, the smoke blows across your desktop.

When Steve Jobs takes the stage Monday at Apple's programmers conference, he's likely to give the world a glimpse of an upgraded Mac operating system that could herald the biggest changes to the machine's interface in 30 years.

At the annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, Jobs will probably show off Leopard, a Mac OS X update due in October that he has promised contains "top secret" features. But perhaps the most important feature is one that has been overlooked by many Apple fans: a new set of tools for building program interfaces called Core Animation.

(Editor's note: See our Leopard preview story, "Apple to Show Off Leopard's Claws at WWDC.")

Core Animation will allow programmers to give their applications flashy, animated interfaces. Some developers think Core Animation is so important, it will usher in the biggest changes to computer interfaces since the original Mac shipped three decades ago.

"The revolution coming with Core Animation is akin to the one that came from the original Mac in 1984," says Wil Shipley, developer of the personal media-cataloging application Delicious Library. "We're going to see a whole new world of user-interface metaphors with Core Animation."

Shipley predicts that Core Animation will kick-start a new era of interface experimentation, and may lead to an entirely new visual language for designing desktop interfaces. The traditional desktop may become a multilayered three-dimensional environment where windows flip around or zoom in and out. Double-clicks and keystrokes could give way to mouse gestures and other forms of complex user input.

The Core Animation "revolution" is already starting to happen. Apple's iPhone at the end of the month will see people using their fingers to flip through media libraries, and pinching their fingers together to resize photos.

Shipley's initial release of Delicious Library, with its glossy, highly refined interface, gave birth to a new breed of developers dubbed the "Delicious generation." For these Mac developers, interface experimentation is one of the big appeals of programming.

Applications like AppZapper have taken traditional tasks (deleting application files) and added a fun layer of animation to the mix -- this isn't your father's rm command. Disco is a disc-burning program that features smoke animation that reacts to sound -- blow into the mike, and the smoke blows away.

But creating animations like those in AppZapper or Disco is presently a complex and difficult task.

Leopard's Core Animation will change that, giving the next generation of developers a set of tools that will allow them to easily create new, nonstandard, interactive interfaces.

Some Mac developers are so excited by Core Animation they are going to drop support for previous versions of their software, which won’t display their new interfaces on older versions of OS X.

"Our customers are going to have to upgrade their OS if they want to upgrade our program," Shipley says. "We realized any app we released based on Tiger (the current version of OS X) was going to look really pathetic when Leopard came out."

After getting a peek at Delicious Library 2, which hasn’t yet been shown publicly, Mac programmer Scott Stevenson wrote that the program is "going to be a major eye-opener for Mac developers. This last point is important. Whatever you thought was state-of-the-art in Tiger is going to be blown to bits with all of the new API (application programming interface) available in Leopard."

Allan Odgaard, the developer of TextMate, says the next version of the text editor will only work on Leopard. 

Because of Apple's nondisclosure agreements, most of the Mac developers approached by Wired News declined to discuss Core Animation or any interface changes they might be planning. None would provide screenshots.

The shift toward nonstandard interfaces isn't necessarily new. Kai's Power Tools, a set of plug-ins for Adobe Systems' Photoshop, featured what was at the time a revolutionary interface for editing image files. But the developer, Kai Kruse, was too far ahead of his time -- the majority of Mac users disliked the novel interface, which broke with conventions and ignored Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, or HIG.

The HIG is a set of rules published by Apple to ensure consistency across different applications. It's become the bible of Mac programmers.

However, with the growing popularity of "widgets" -- mini, task-specific applications for checking sports scores or finding cheap gas -- users are starting to accept novel interfaces. And they often expect the sort of highly graphical interaction that Apple's new Core Animation enables.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Image helps understanding - 图像帮助快速理解

Image helps understanding



Write Paper和Do Research的区别

路上和Dai Qiang聊天的时候说起, 其实一篇Paper写出来的顺序,和实际进行研究时候的顺序往往是不同的。一个Idea往往很吸引我们,Paper很可能写的很引人入胜,但实际上很多时候的研究顺序确是反的,首先,先有一些现有的方法,先有一些实现上的东西,而后才有的KeyIdea,而后才有的整个论文的写作思路。

Friday, June 08, 2007


最近在做Texture Synthesis,本来在之前的时候还自以为是的读了几篇Texture Synthesis的Paper,写过一个Survey。结果,真正自己做起来,才发现有些东西并没有理解。而且,在那次做Survey时候读过的一篇论文中[Ashikhmin2001]提到的 coherent synthesis居然没有真正理解(这本来是该篇论文的主要贡献之一)。所以,结论是看paper不认真,只是大概了解了其idea,并没有真正的想明白其中的奥妙。
其实,类似的例子还是有的,比如Sun Jian 的 Lazy Snapping 还有 Image Completion with Structure Propagation 都有很深的数学内涵,自己第一次看的时候都没能体会。看来今后读paper还是要认真。